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/ The Epic Interactive Encyclopedia 1998 / Epic Interactive Encyclopedia, The - 1998 Edition (1998)(Epic Marketing).iso / S / Scientific_method / INFOTEXT < prev   
Text File  |  1992-09-02  |  520b  |  14 lines

  1. In science, the belief that experimentation
  2. and observation, properly understood and
  3. applied, can avoid the influence of cultural
  4. and social values and so build up a picture
  5. of a reality independent of the observer.
  6. Improved techniques and mechanical devices,
  7. which improve the reliability of
  8. measurements, may seem to support this
  9. theory; but the realization that observations
  10. of subatomic particles influence their
  11. behaviour has undermined the view that
  12. objectivity is possible in science (see
  13. uncertainty principle).